Disclaimer: I acknowledge that this is not an official Department of State publication, and that the views and information presented are my own and do not represent the Fulbright U.S. Student Program or the Department of State or the Fulbright Foundation in Greece.

Saturday, April 16, 2016



That’s the number of weeks we spent travelling around Europe over Christmas break.


That’s the number of weeks in January that I thought it would take me to edit/upload/process the corresponding blog posts from that trip of a lifetime (and in my original thinking/intention setting, those 3 weeks were meant to be consecutive…that didn’t quite happen).


That’s the number of months it actually took me to finally finish polishing and posting those portraits and ponderings of our adventure across Europe.


That’s the number of months that have passed so quickly, so fully, so… that I’m left breathless, wondering where that time has gone. (and what I can possibly barter to get some of it back—though I know that’s a wish you only dream…).  But assured too that most of that time was 3 months well spent.  That these last 7 months (how has it been 7 months!?!?!) have been well spent. 


That’s the number of months we have left…


It takes 2 to make a connection. 


2 feet to carry you to the places you want to go.  2 hands to hold, to reach, to grasp onto every moment. 2 ears to hear the life that is around you.  2 eyes to see.  To really see.


That’s the number of weeks until my parents and sister arrive on a plane—a trip that seemed so far off when I was boarding the plane end of August.


That’s the number of chances that we have to live and be present and make the most of each moment.  


If you missed the last one, here comes another moment.  Grab it before it’s gone.


Faith. Hope. Love.


Months to make the most of, to make last.


and then it’s not 0.  Unless you let it be. But after 3, comes 2, and after 2 comes 1.  And that’s your next moment, your next opportunity to live… Live


βήμα βήμα

βήμα βήμα

Step by step…

Sunday 27 March 2016

Okay.  So recap of today.  Woke up.  Ran a half marathon.  With Bridget. 

We talked about connections and the art of asking and steps along the path and choices. 

And we made connections and we kept running and we powered up the hill. 

And we passed trash and decomposing dogs and saw clouds resting majestically on rolling mountains above the deepening valley stretching below.

And we finished strong.

—we started together almost three months ago and the steps we took carried us this far. 

I literally wouldn’t have been there this weekend if it weren’t for the connections I have with Bridget and with Spyros. 

And I metaphorically and really wouldn’t be the person I am today and figuratively where I am today if it weren’t for the people I have connected with in my life.  Who have shared parts of the journey, steps along the path, no matter how big or small, far or short. 

We made it. 

We’re making it. 

We saw some really incredible and impressive ancient sights.  We added our steps to the countless who have walked, who have ran there before us.  And paved the way for more steps to follow.  Connect across the breadth of time spanning out around us.  Appreciate those steps.

We had another off-roading “adventure”. 

We saw more serene and magnificent shades of blue than you can find on the multitude of 5-shade, cardboard, paint color samples at your local Menards or Home Depot—more shades and with a depth richer than I ever dreamed existed in the Artist’s palette, and breathtaking views almost every direction we looked. 

We shared the journey together. 

βήμα βήμα


Friday, April 15, 2016

Chasing the sunsets...

We are chasing a setting sun...or are we trying to outrun it? and either way, in the trying, will we end up just getting burned? Or will we miss the light of day we are trying so desperately to seek, and wind up standing out in the open, cold, dark…

And, now, tell me: why do people run? It’s hard. It takes work.  Requires energy. Time.  Time that could be spent doing literally a million other, seemingly better and worthier things.

And especially when you don’t “feel” like running.  Why exert even the effort it takes to lace up your tennis shoes? Why pound pavement? Even that metaphor sounds painful and like more effort than it is worth…

Tell me. 

I don’t believe that it only takes 21 days to make or break a habit.  It’s so easy to fall off the wagon, lose the rhythm, break the habit.  And really, to do something, and do something worth doing, takes a daily commitment, a continual renewal of passion and drive and action.

I needed to run.
I knew it would help me.
I have memories of doing it, of it helping, of me actually liking it.
I wanted to want to run.
But I didn’t “feel” so much like running tonight.

I almost didn’t go.

But the idea had been sitting in the back corner of my mind all day, for the last couple of days.  I should get out there and run tonight.  And bypassing the dangers of “should’s” and “have to’s”, a significant part of me really did want to get out there.

I went back and forth. Maybe tomorrow.  Maybe I should just rest.  Maybe another time. Maybe when I feel more like it. Maybe…

But all we have is now. 

Hmmmm.  The sun will set.  Hmmmm. I mentioned to this person and that I might run.   Hmmmm. I want to want to run.  Maybe that can be enough for right now.

Change clothes.  Take a break.  Sit down.

One sock. Two sock.
Left shoe. Right shoe.


Then out the door.
Breathe in the evening air.


Now take just one step.
That’s all you need to do right now.  Just one step. Anyone can take one step.  You can take one step.
I took one step.

Now another.
That’s all you need to do right now.  Just one step.  Anyone can take one step. You can take one step.
I took one step.

And then another.
And another.

And another and another.

And then I was running.
Now you’re running.

And then I was remembering.
Do you remember?

Now chase that burning blaze.

I caught tonight’s sunset, just before the glowing reminder slipped behind the mountain, dimming the brightness of the evening sky, tinting it in now muted shades of rose, glinting off the hovering clouds that race toward the sun each night as if magnetized (maybe mesmerized), creating a silver lining you didn’t know was there.


And run.  Run because you love it.  Run because it’s hard.  Run because it’s worth it.

Let out the thoughts and the feelings clouding your view, making you heavy.  Open up channels for words to return.  Feel your feet pounding the pavement.  Feel lighter.  Feel better.

Maybe not completely and wholly better. But that’s okay.

You know why?

Because you ran.  You remembered.  You will run again.

You will keep moving.

And it doesn’t have to be running.  That’s just one example.  That’s just my example.  That’s just me remembering, me running, me finding a space and place and a way for words to return.

Why do people do anything that’s hard? 

Why not just walk away from a relationship that’s hit a speedbump? A friend in need? An obstacle at work? An obstacle anywhere? 

Wouldn’t that be easier?

The sun might burn you—why chase it? Love might hurt—why want it, why work for it?  Your dreams might fade—why dream them?

Because they’re worth it. 

You might not feel like working for it right now, because you know it will be hard.  But you don’t have to do it alone.  And I promise you that if and when you work for it, you’ll remember.  You’ll remember why you work, why you try, why you want, why you dream, why you love…

So go ahead. Run.  Chase that sunset.  Because even if you miss it… Tomorrow there will be a sunrise…


Go.  Chase the sun...

Day 21: The final stretch...

Day: 21
Countries: 6               Cities: 10
Bruges, Belgium
The final stretch...

Day 21
Saturday 9 January 2016

There's a little girl sitting on her father’s’ lap, next to us, waiting at the gate, speaking to her mother in Greek.

Welcome back.

We're nearly there. But by now: it's not soon enough. Fighting (or trying to at least, though maybe not as hard as I could be) to not get sucked into and bogged down in a negative state of mind about today. It's kind of a struggle after the rough morning we've had. It's kinda sucked…

Feeling stupid for not realizing we actually leave from the other Brussels airport—which is over an hour away!—and planning accordingly. We were having a decent, easy morning after not sleeping fantastically because of a light that wouldn't turn off and a blanket that was both too small and slippery, and upon a pillow that shouldn't be allowed to have that name because it was not substantial in the least.

Anyway. Had a decent continental breakfast. Was feeling good about fitting everything in my bag, including my jeans, so I just have clean new tights on my legs (and a dress—don’t worry, lest you think I’m boarding a plane only half dressed…) instead of tight fitting around the waist that has expanded from all this delicious food and three weeks of dirty jeans. I can't believe it all fit. That's an accomplishment in and of itself.

But we were waiting in the lobby feeling okay and thinking we had extra time when we went to call a cab and show the front desk lady our ticket.  And she pointed out that it wasn't Zaventum but Charleroi Airport—which is over an hour away! And by then we were running too late and stressed to figure out a way to get to Midi (train) Station and then take a 17euro bus that might or might not get us there in time… So we just bit the bullet and called a cab.

170 euros

(thank goodness split between the 4 people, but still…outrageous) later, with a stinky old cab driver with no sense of urgency and distracted by his stupid phone and checking on his multi-language chats with who knows who, and we finally made it to the airport.

A janky airport out in the middle of nowhere. And wouldn't you know, it’s Ryaniar's own, dumb airport. So just imagine all their, shall we say “quirks”? magnified to a whole airport. Ughh.

Ok. Move on.

Running to get to the line to check in we realize our flight is running 20 minutes late which left us with a good hour and a half before our plane takes off. So plenty of time. We probably could have made it slightly cheaper with the bus but who knows if we actually would have and the added anxiousness that might have caused.

And it's too late to change anything now. We made it. That's what matters. No use going back and worrying about it and trying to change anything. Trying to remember that. We made it. We made it. Thank God for that…

So we made it through security and are waiting at the gate, a little worse for the wear. But made it. Keep counting on that. Waited for a good hour. Now it's 12:14 and we are up and waiting in line to board.

Moving closer and closer to home. To Athens. A three hour (ish) flight, I think. And then pray we don't have a mess with the cab back to campus. And then we will be back. Send your angels with us the rest of the way. Help it go smoothly.

I don't want to end this trip on a sour note. So reframe. Now that that's all out. It was a mess but it's over and done and we learned from it. Won't make that mistake twice. And we made it.  

Now focus on the good:

We've had an incredible 3 weeks. Truly the trip of the lifetime. With a good, now even better, friend and intermittently with another good friend and new friends.

10 countries
6 cities
21 days  
20 nights
8 trains
4 planes.
Countless busses/trams/metros and an occasional cab (not all as harrowing and stressful and expensive as the last one).
An average of 10 miles a day. Sooo many steps!
Tours and museums and breweries galore.
We ate really, really well.

We saw so much.  
We did so much.
We experienced so much.

And I got all my postcards written and mailed out before flying out! So that's another accomplishment in and of itself.

It's been a truly wonderful and fantastic time. So thankful. So incredibly thankful. So glad I went. The trip of a lifetime with memories to last.

Τέλια J

so thank You. We made it this far. Help us make it the rest of the way. Send Your angels. Take every part. Help me focus on the good, process this. Please Lord peace Lord please. Every part.

Adventure is out there. Go chase it J
